The supervisor told me that they use teriyaki sauce as a base to fry this. It was very simple, I cooked the teriyaki on one stove, blanched the udon noodles in a pot of boiling water in another and did the frying in a kuali over the third stove. Lunch time must work very fast because have to send one to school and fetch another.
The recipe:
Teriyaki sauce:
Sake 3 tbsp
Sugar 1 tbsp
Shoyu 1 1/2 - 2 tbsp
Mirin 1 1/2 tbsp
Water 1/8 cup
2. 2 packets of fresh udon noodles (200g/pkt)
3. 5 leaves of cabbage
4. 1/2 big yellow onion
5. 1/2 carrot
6. 1/2 piece of chicken breast fillet
7. 5-6 pcs fishcake
8. 1 tbsp oil
1. Boil the sake and add the rest of the ingredients in. Continue to boil until the liquid begins to caramelize. Once it caramelizes, turn off the fire.
2. Cut the cabbage, carrot and onions into fine juliennes.
3. Cut the chicken fillet and fishcake thinly.
4. Heat up 1 tbsp oil in a kuali and fry the onions. Keep fire small and fry till soft and not brown and crisp.
5. Meanwhile boil a pot of water and blanch the udon noodles for one minute.
6. When onions are done, toss in the chicken and fishcake - fire on medium, add some teriyaki sauce and fry till chicken turn color.
7. Toss udon into kuali and pour the remainder teriyaki sauce. Turn fire down and add all the vegetables. Do not over cook the vegetables because it should be a little crunchy.
8. Serve with Shichimi togarashi (Japanese Chilli pepper), if you like your udon a little spicy.