Friday, March 27, 2009

Bento 198

There was no need for any cooking this morning. It took me less than 5 minutes to put this together. #2's favorite Kiwi and some Malaysian tea-time favorite 'kuih dadar'.

I made a fresh batch of Ratatouille yesterday alongside cooking dinner and the whole pot went into the fridge.

I was grocery shopping yesterday with #3 and we found "Hainan bread" the ones they serve at coffee shops. It's being sold at Jusco now. #3 exclaimed loudly "Mummy, that's the bread I used to eat when I was younger right?" Yeah! I used to buy them at the wet market and so I bought a large loaf of it to reminiscence old times.....

The snack bento below was prepared for #1 yesterday for college. Her classes were in the afternoon and in a good mood and said yes to a snack bento. It's a promising beginning.

Some skinned grapes, home made chocolate chip cookies and 'kuih lapis'.


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