The left bento contains mini pancakes with strawberry jam sandwiched in between. There is a 'bear' shaped egg and fried spring rolls - this was a request again.
In the right box are sandwiches I prepared last night. I try to 'sneak' in whole meal bread into their bento whenever I can so I made a triple decker with either wholemeal bread on the outside or the slice in between two white slices. For filling, I fried slices of SPAM lightly and laid on buttered bread. Between the next two pieces of bread I added a slice of cheese. So it was "bread - cheese - bread - spam - bread". I wrapped it up in cling wrap and left it in the fridge last night. The kids loved it!
I skewered some edamame beans to fill up the space. Added some 'energy' food - banana dusted with cinnamon sugar!