Wednesday, October 31, 2007


No Bento again (through no fault of mine - I'm raring to go)! Tried cooking Omurice for the first time. Wikipedia doesn't really do justice in describing Omurice.

I Googled the recipe and fried the rice. It's basically fried with chopped onions, I used duck meat instead of chicken as in the recipe. Then I mixed in some tomato sauce at the end.

The omelet is supposed to be a little under cooked and soft when placed on top of the rice. You're suppose to slit it open to cover up the rice. Mine was a little over done but still very tasty. Look at this link and see how simple and delicious it is. There are two methods with the eggs in Omurice. One is to top the rice with the omelet and the other is to wrap the rice with the egg. Look at this link for the second method.

Check out Peony's site - a fellow bento blogger for first hand pictures from Japan.


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