Thursday, October 25, 2007


My first tag by ling239
Thank you.

Layer One: On The Outside

Name: Known as "Bento Pet"
Birth Date: Same as the most popular 24 hours convenience store
Current status: Happy
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Righty or Lefty: Right - definitely

Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: my religion
Your Fears: you really don't want to know
Your Weaknesses: my hobbies

Your Perfect Pizza: laden with CHEESE, CHEESE and more CHEESE!!

Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: Bento?
Your Bedtime: past midnight

Your Most Missed Memory: telephone conversations with my dad (deceased)

Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: neither
McDonald's or Burger King: An occasional dose of poison? McD's will do.
Single or Group Dates: At my age? You must be joking!
Adidas or Nike: You want to ask my girls?
Tea or Nestea: Neither, for me it's Coffee!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Definitely chocolate.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee.

Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: No and I don't enjoy breathing in secondary smoke either.
Curse: Sometimes, at the people who smoke.
Have a crush: All the time, with McVitie's digestives
Think you've been in love: Many times over, with each baby.
Go to school: Yeap! Learning all the time from the cycle of life.
Want to get married: Been there, done that baby!

Believe in yourself: Often enough

Think you're a health freak: Huh? What kinda question is that?

Layer Six: In The Past Month Have you...
Drank alcohol: Occasionally
Gone to the mall: Often enough
Been on stage: Yes
Eaten sushi: Hey! Sushi is my second name!
Dyed your hair: What an embarrassing question.

Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: I only strip carrots and radish and all the hard stuff!

Changed Who You Were To Fit In: No masks for me thank you.

Layer Eight: You're Hoping
To Be Married: Are you sure you tagged the right person?

For a: couple more kids?

Layer Nine: In a Boy (For guys, In a Gal)
Best Eye + Best Hair Color Combination: So long ago, forgotten already
Short Hair or Long Hair: Does it make a difference?

Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: Decided to do this tag
1 Hour Ago: Baking cup cakes for #3 children's day celebration tomorrow
4.5 Hours Ago: Having pizza with the 3 girls for lunch.
1 month Ago: Busy, busy, busy
1 Year Ago: Never dreamed about producing iced cakes from this household.

Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: my God, my family and friends
I Feel: frenzied
I Hate: that's a harsh word!
I Hide: my bento stash from my hubby
I Miss: my dad

I Need: to control my blogging addiction!!

Bento #45

This was yesterday's bento. I couldn't access the internet the whole day so I could only post it this morning. On the left is a bun loaded with tuna mayo. In the foil cup is macaroni cheese and next is a box of raisins.

On the right are more fruits, just mangoes and watermelon. #2 deliberately reminded me that there must be fruits in her bento. I guess she's still trying to manage her weight, although I think she looks absolutely fine.


I had some problem uploading yesterday's bento onto my blog the whole day. I couldn't access the server and it just wouldn't connect!! I don't know what you would do but I was completely stressed and fidgety.

I'm sure for now that I'm an ADDICTED blogger! I checked my computer like a hundred and fifty times for any trace of internet access! I even tried to get 'hooked' onto my neighbour's wireless but that didn't work either. I was calling every known source to try to get my internet access going. No avail and no success. I think I spent more time clicking my mouse yesterday than I do on a normal day.

When I shared with hubs what happened, he grinned and said "Praise the Lord"! Finally my wife has time to do other things! Huh! Very funny I said! But deep in my heart, I knew that he's been really patient with me. I sleep very late some nights either updating my blog or reading in the toilet. I know that's a gross thought for some but that's the only way not to 'kacau' his sleep. I had the *guilty* word hovering my head the whole evening!

This morning the computer could access the internet again. What the heck! I'm still feeling guilty but life has to go on. I just need to prioritize! Yeah! See if I can discipline myself a little. *Sigh, still trying to convince myself *


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Your Spelling is Perfect
You got 10/10 correct.

Your spelling is excellent. You also have a great memory and eye for detail.
You Are Cilantro
The bad news is that there are some people who can't stand you.
The good news is that most people love you more than anything else in the world.
You are distinct, unusual, fresh, and very controversial. And you wouldn't have it any other way.