This morning, after rushing #2 and #3 to school, I got back to pack #1's Bento. She goes to college for four days a week out of which three days begin mid mornings. I offered to make her brunch Bento to eat before she leave for college and she took me up on my offer! This morning was a little too rush to pack three Bentos so I only did two for the younger girls and went through a second cycle with this one when I got back.
This is a new Bento box which I picked up from Daiso at the Curve. Yeah! I finally visited and got some stuff. It is a three tier Bento box with individual lids, which hopefully will prevent leakage. I'll blog about Daiso in another post because I'm waiting for the pictures from #1's camera.
Anyway, everything is the same with previous Bento post #152 except for the potato and minced meat balls cooked in onions and oyster sauce. This was left over from yesterday's lunch and is #1's favorite dish.