Daughter number 2 came to me last night and sheepishly asked if she could have a repeat of Monday's breakfast - pancakes and gourmet mushroom sausages.
"I love the sausages mum". How could I say no?
Since she loved the sausages, we'll have sausages but only this time it's going to be with waffles!! Hehe!
Basically the platter is the same except that I made waffles and added cinnamon sugar on top of the banana. If you haven't tried cinnamon sugar on top of ripe banana, please try it ASAP! It's the nicest tasting 'gourmet' banana you can get. You can see from the picture, I dusted icing sugar on the waffle.
Look at Daughter number 1 platter. She likes her food plain and simple. No fancy Kiwi fruit or wholegrain mustard or icing sugar. Cinnamon sugar on banana and gourmet mushroom sausage is fine, plain waffle with butter and Maple syrup is the staple.
So fussy and yet so easy to please. No frills and no trills?
I really like the pictures of the food you prepare. Keep it up. Your family is lucky to have you. Your pictures make me hungry. hee hee. =)
Thank you for popping by to listen to Bing Crosby. :)
I am also #2 daughter in my mom's household but like your #1 girl, I prefer my meals, plain and simple. Don't care for cinnamon but will try your suggestion on bananas.
My husband and I Love-Love-Love sushi and bento boxes but have never tried cooking any. Will be popping by often to get some tips. :)
chessnoid: thank you, thank you! I'm blessed with my family too. Next week it's back to school and Bento boxes will come out of the cupboards to be filled again. Hurray!
rita ho: I grew up listening to Bing Crosby and Jim Reeves. I was so inspired when I heard the former on your blog.
I would have liked to link you to the post but I haven't learned to do that yet.
I was surprised that my daughter #1 liked the cinnamon sugared banana because like you, she doesn't care much for cinnamon.
Sushi is a big thing in my house. I can serve a variety of sushi the whole week and the kids and hubs would still devour them up. That's how I started with Bento for the girls.
Really appreciate your comments! Do come by often. TQ!
OMG! Bento, I love Jim Reeves too, such clear diction in tunes and most of his songs SO meaningful. My dad was a fan and pass the appreciation on to us.
I will be back regularly to check for sushi recipes. :)
rita ho: I learnt to love Jim Reeves and Bing Crosby from my dad too. He used to play their music from his 'two wheel' tape player (i don't know what it's called). The tape runs from left to right as the music is played and then you have to rewind it to play again. Each 'wheel' can contain albums and albums of songs.
I too was influenced by his love for these 'old timers'. I'm sure you would have heard of "Los Indios" and love their music too!
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