I got a pack of daifukumochi and a chocolate swiss roll filled with cream and raspberry from the Japanese cheese cake shop.
I managed to get some buns from Sun Moulin and filled it with salad and leftover SPAM. A tangy orange to complete the meal!
Your Spelling is Perfect |
Your spelling is excellent. You also have a great memory and eye for detail. |
You Are Cilantro |
The good news is that most people love you more than anything else in the world. You are distinct, unusual, fresh, and very controversial. And you wouldn't have it any other way. |
Hello Bento Pet, thanks for dropping by my blog and your haha, exclaimations. Appreciate that, thanks.
Wow! You're a gourmet cook with Japanese cooking. Women like you re Japanese culinary skills don't grow on trees. If Japanese food be the music of love, keep on cooking.
I kept a dairy and notes since the very early 60's, those with some 'spices' in code, ha ha.
Mostly of the past on wine, women, moonlight and roses, ha ha.
Once again, thanks for dropping by.
Best regards, and have a nice day, UL.
ps, how you discovered my place?
Hi there, thanks for dropping by. Amazingly, I've been talking about learning how to cook Japanese food these past 2 weeks. I love Jap & so does my family, and it is so healthy as well. And here you are! I'll definitely be back for some goodies.....
U.lee: No lah, not a gourmet cook. Just a simple housewife who has a family who enjoys Japanese food.
I save a lot of money by cooking Japanese food at home. I translate my savings into the future of my children's education.
You remind me of my Uncle who's first love is wine, women and (his was) song. He too has a lot of 'experience' to share with us and we can sit for hours listening to all his adventures.
Of course when he married my Aunty he was totally and absolutely committed to her and adored her. He must be about your age or older even. I used to visit him very often when I was young and was awed with his life stories, just like when I visited your site! So awesome!
I was blog hopping and your name appeared in a couple of sites when I decided to visit and 'see' who this U.Lee is. I'm glad I did!
Thanks for coming by! Appreciate it!
big pumpkin: Thanks for visiting too. If you want any details which you may not find on my blog, please drop a comment and I will try to provide a solution.
It is definitely a healthy diet and once you get some skills and get used to the ingredients, it's simply another dish to cook!
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