This morning was something light and a quick fix because I've been asked to cook lunch so that there is less downtime involved in our 'long lunches' outside. Usually I enjoy long lunches with my kids after school but it's exam period and #2 says she doesn't want to eat out! "Wastes less time" she says.
Today's Bento box on the left are rambutans de-seeded and filled with cherry tomatoes. In the right box is a tub of beef bolognese sauce to be eaten with the French beans and endamame beans.
#2 is still on diet ah?
I have been snacking on cherry tomatoes myself, just finished my supply.
I have no luck sourcing endamame!
emily: Not so much on diet anymore but she complains that there is no time to eat. Recess time is cut short because the teachers are taking up part of the recess period and she is not allowed to eat in class and walking to the canteen on the other side of the school and back already takes up most of what's left of recess. *sigh*
Endamame is sold frozen in packets. You can get from any Jusco outlet selling Japanese frozen ingredients.
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