Saturday, October 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Luke!

I know I said no more cup cakes but this time I asked #1 to ice some for an old friend who turned 71 years old yesterday. As usual we were in a frenzied hurry because we had long and lazy brunch and #1 had a futsal game in the evening. She's getting good at this and my number of pipping nozzles has increased over the last one week and so has ingredients and accessories. *sweat, sweat, sweat*

#3 iced this and insisted that I upload the picture onto my blog!! "She said: Tomorrow morning I want to see the picture on your blog okay? I'm going to sleep now mummy, I love you!!" How to resist such sweet temptation?


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Learn a WORD a day!

How's your spelling?

Your Spelling is Perfect
You got 10/10 correct.

Your spelling is excellent. You also have a great memory and eye for detail.
You Are Cilantro
The bad news is that there are some people who can't stand you.
The good news is that most people love you more than anything else in the world.
You are distinct, unusual, fresh, and very controversial. And you wouldn't have it any other way.