Saturday, October 27, 2007

#3 asks for cupcakes!

#3 celebrated children's day at school on Friday. On Monday she'd already requested that she bring cup cakes to school. #1 loves her very much and condoned without much ado. Because it's a kiddies party, she was game for 'a little of everything'. Just 'tembak' for the experience.

#3 came home elated and talked non stop about how the head mistress, teachers and classmates enjoyed the cup cakes and were trilled by the designs. Obviously she ate the nicest of the lot - according to her, the purple one with the jelly beans which look like balloons.

#1 also wrote some Chinese characters, forgot to ask her what they meant. #2 and #1 hasn't been going to school because one has pharyngitis and the other just feels 'a little under the weather'? So while they are both off school there has been no bento and whilst one is under medication the other continues to be on a baking frenzy.


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