Emily asked to check if they had cow tongue. I asked for one and do you know how much it cost?? RM28!! The pig's tongue was dirt cheap at RM1.80!! Comparatively the pig's tongue was about one third the size of the cow's tongue, multiply by three it should cost no more than RM6, after all not to say the pig has more one tongue than the cow!!! "Kaki tulang" and the tongue cost me RM78 at the beef stall.

#1: Mum! Is this all we are having for dinner? *looking at the two dishes in dismay*
Mum: Yeah!
#1: Errr... does it mean I have to go vegetarian tonight?
#2: *Loudly declaring* I'm going to have Natto tonight! "Cheh-cheh", you're welcome to share with me!
#3: Agggggghhhhhhh......oh no!!! Not Natto!
#1: *Squirms and wrinkles up her face* As though that is an option! Die also don't want to eat lah! Just eat the French beans only! *wrinkles up face again*
The maid walks in with another two dishes from the kitchen. The two girls stretch their necks to look at what had just landed on the table and breathes a deep sigh of relief. Finally some edible dishes.
Meanwhile hubs was already tucking into the pot of cow tongue - his reaction was like "mmmm....very good, mmmm...very good" *slaps forehead in despair* Didn't he just hear what went on over the dinner table???