Thank you.
Layer One: On The Outside
Name: Known as "Bento Pet"
Birth Date: Same as the most popular 24 hours convenience store
Current status: Happy
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Righty or Lefty: Right - definitely
Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: my religion
Your Fears: you really don't want to know
Your Weaknesses: my hobbies
Your Perfect Pizza: laden with CHEESE, CHEESE and more CHEESE!!
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: Bento?
Your Bedtime: past midnight
Your Most Missed Memory: telephone conversations with my dad (deceased)
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: neither
McDonald's or Burger King: An occasional dose of poison? McD's will do.
Single or Group Dates: At my age? You must be joking!
Adidas or Nike: You want to ask my girls?
Tea or Nestea: Neither, for me it's Coffee!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Definitely chocolate.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee.
Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: No and I don't enjoy breathing in secondary smoke either.
Curse: Sometimes, at the people who smoke.
Have a crush: All the time, with McVitie's digestives
Think you've been in love: Many times over, with each baby.
Go to school: Yeap! Learning all the time from the cycle of life.
Want to get married: Been there, done that baby!
Believe in yourself: Often enough
Think you're a health freak: Huh?

Layer Six: In The Past Month Have you...
Drank alcohol: Occasionally
Gone to the mall: Often enough
Been on stage: Yes
Eaten sushi: Hey! Sushi is my second name!
Dyed your hair: What an embarrassing question.
Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: I only strip carrots and radish and all the hard stuff!
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: No masks for me thank you.
Layer Eight: You're Hoping
To Be Married: Are you sure you tagged the right person?
For a: couple more kids?
Layer Nine: In a Boy (For guys, In a Gal)
Best Eye + Best Hair Color Combination: So long ago, forgotten already
Short Hair or Long Hair: Does it make a difference?
Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: Decided to do this tag
1 Hour Ago: Baking cup cakes for #3 children's day celebration tomorrow
4.5 Hours Ago: Having pizza with the 3 girls for lunch.
1 month Ago: Busy, busy, busy
1 Year Ago: Never dreamed about producing iced cakes from this household.
Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: my God, my family and friends
I Feel: frenzied
I Hate: that's a harsh word!
I Hide: my bento stash from my hubby
I Miss: my dad
I Need: to control my blogging addiction!!