I picked her up from school (as I always do) last Tuesday. We decided to celebrate the triumph of an inter-school debate together with #1 and my mum. All excited, we went to "Canton-i", the sister of "Drangon-i", I'm told. We were enjoying our food when #2 bends and squeezes her tummy and says "Owwww... stomach ache, I need to go to the toilet". As always, I don't allow the girls to go to public toilets alone so, together with #1 she went.
The tummy ache didn't get better, in fact it got so bad she almost couldn't walk to the car. I wanted to bring her to the doctor but she insisted that she wanted to go home, all the time sitting bent forward and hands holding her tummy. At home, things are not better. She hides under the blanket and tries to rest with no avail.
Finally the pain was so bad, I got #1 and her friend (who came to work on a project with #1) to send #2 to DSH (Damansara Specialist Hospital). I had to pick #3 from tuition and I assumed that it was some food poisoning or gastritis.
Some two hours later, #1 called me and summoned me to the hospital because "the doctor didn't want to tell me anything and insists that he wanted to speak to you (the mother)". I panicked a little when I heard that because it didn't sound quite right! Immediately I informed my husband and I drove towards DSH in the terrible storm and peak traffic jam at about 6p.m.
My mind was filled with all thoughts and possibilities. I calmed myself and started to pray in the horrendous traffic jam. As I did that, my thoughts cleared and I was prompted to take a route that I was unsure of. I spoke to myself and said "Oh no! I'm not going to get myself into a situation where I'd get lost and then delay getting to the hospital". The prompting was strong and I was desperate in the thick of the traffic jam.
I relented and took the risk. Thank God, I did because the entire road leading to the hospital was completely clear albeit some cars from the opposite direction. #1 introduced me to a Dato' Haron, I found out that he was a surgeon (panic some more). He explained that he wanted #2 warded for a night for observation because he suspected Appendicitis (relief, relief, relief)!

#1 and her friend started to share with me the series of questions they asked the GP and surgeon before being told to summon 'the mother or father' to come to hospital. Apparently #1 had asked the GP "Doctor, how sure are you my sister has appendicitis?" The doctor mumbles something about not being able to confirm because of the pain killer and that tests they had to run. #1's friend asks again "Doctor, if you can't confirm it's appendicitis, then how are you going to be sure of it? (something in that context).
I gawk at them as they recount their conversation with the doctor. In my heart I was telling myself - no wonder the doctor wanted to see the mother or father. Which doctor could withstand such interrogation from two young 19 year olds? Don't get me wrong. They are two very wonderful and caring young girls but green in the dealings of the world.
#1 stayed over in the hospital to accompany #2, both shared the same bed. In the night when the nurses came at 1a.m., 3a.m. and 5a.m., these were the questions:
"Siapa sakit?" (Who's the one sick?) - both were sleeping in the bed.
"Check temperature, Siapa?" (Who's supposed to check temperature?)
"Anak kembar ke?" (Twins?)
Meanwhile, #2 was complaining about the needles in both side of her hands. #1 brushes her off and tells her to "keep quiet and sleep!".

to be continued in the next post...