I feel guilty for not having posted any bento lately. #3 completed her midterms and #2 has begun her SPM trials. It's basically been 'steam salmon' every morning. #2 has recently 'turned fishy-tarian' (eats fish) She's got some adversity towards cooked chicken lately. I hope it's just a phase!
I've been gallivanting Daiso @ the Curve and right now, it's a heavenly place to purchase any bento items!
Below are bento sized food picks, bento straps, food cups and accessories.

Here below are the 'elusive' Japanese buckle bento straps.

Below are an array of bento sized disposable food cups.

Some more cutlery, cutters, silicon cups, cold gel packs, molds and others.

Some more food and fruit cutters (can be used for biscuit cutters too), lots of silicon food cups in different size and shapes!

There are also lots of shape punches at the stationary section, lots of bento bags and bento boxes of all sizes which I didn't take pictures of. Basically, it's a paradise for Bento purchases!