Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bento 202

I'm just back from a short break to a nearby mountain destination. I'll blog about it in another post when I can.

Right now, it's back to bento business. There wasn't much fresh food in the refrigerator because we were away for almost a week and I had to make do this morning for a quick fix.

There were two pieces of store bought cherry tart and raspberry custard tarts. I cut them in half and stuffed them into the top box. The over ripe kiwi got stuck into a square silicon cup.

I chopped up some salad and tossed them into a store bought vinaigrette onion dressing. I also filled half a silicon cup full of mackerel in oil (canned).

The salad and mackerel would go well mixed up but I'm not sure how #2 likes the combination, so I packed them separately in two silicon cups. I thought that she could just toss them together into the box and mix them up for a more delicious flavor!


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You Are Cilantro
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You are distinct, unusual, fresh, and very controversial. And you wouldn't have it any other way.