Monday, September 15, 2008

BENTO #130

I'm glad I responded to 'mummy's instincts' yesterday and packed a Bento for #2 when I went to fetch her after she returned from camp. I found out at dinner time from hubs that she had skipped lunch because of some chores she had to complete and thus did not have enough time to eat.

When I passed her the Bento, she happily tucked in as she recounted her experience at camp. We had a good 45 minutes bonding time!

I love this new Bento box from the 100 Yen store. I've been coveting this 'environment friendly' color which I have seen being sold in online Ichiban-kan stores in US.

I absolutely love, love this box!
I packed a little left over of yesterday's fruit salad (notice, the apples didn't turn brown because of the orange juice) and some pineapple ham sandwiched in buttered wholemeal bread.

In the right Bento box is some Kiwi, yellow courgette and some seaweed (kombu and wakame) topped with sesame seed dressing.


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You are distinct, unusual, fresh, and very controversial. And you wouldn't have it any other way.