We're down with sore throats, flu and cough. #3 had it, but recovered, looks like #1 is also experiencing some tightness in the throat. Everyone in the house is having signs of a cough or something now!
I made a pledge to add a non plastic bento box before my 200th post and so here it is. It's a huge 700 ml box.
#2 requested for more fruits and ideally, this metal box packed in enough fruits. It was a good size for lots of fruits!
In it was persimmons and kiwi fruits - there was more than one in each silicon cup.
I finally found a box huge enough to use these humongous silicon cups which has been in my bento drawers since I opened them from their package. One contains alfalfa and some thinned down sesame seed dressing (added some plain yogurt). The other contained couscous and my freezer stash of Ratatouille.
The same things packed in a 480 ml box.
The Ratatouille tastes just as good if not better today! A couple of days back, #2's friends came over for group study and since all of them were abstaining from meat for Lent, I served them Ratatouille. Surprisingly enough they enjoyed it very much and one of the boys said that he was going to suggest to his mum to make it since it's meatless. Yummilicious!