Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bento 228

This morning's bento had to last up to 4.00p.m. #2 stays back for Choir practice because this weekend there is a Charity Choral-thon in Subang Parade in aid of an orphanage.

It's also that time of the year that all schools begin taking class photographs for their annual school magazine. #2 is in the Editorial team under the Graphics section. Nevertheless, all team members has been rostered to co-ordinate the photography sessions for the morning and afternoon classes.

This bento should make her happy!

Left box has raisins and grapes, a silicon cup of hiziki from my freezer stash. The right side box has a mix of salads, alfalfa, cut courgette and tomatoes.

The center box are some wholemeal baguette with some sauerkraut, courgette, roast lemon chicken (from my freezer stash) and some sweet basil topped with a dash of mayo.

Random bentos

Last week was a hectic week of erratic schedules and late nights. We ate out too much! Bentos were quick, easy and nondescript.

I'm not numbering them because most were quick fixes in different forms.

Below: Vegetable in garlic rolls, Tuna mayo sandwiches and home made butter cake.

#3's bento of spaghetti and kewpie mayo, some banana cinnamon and tuna mayo.

Another nondescript bento of leftovers.

Bruschetta and tuna croissant snack with a Vitagen.

Another week and late posts!!!


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You Are Cilantro
The bad news is that there are some people who can't stand you.
The good news is that most people love you more than anything else in the world.
You are distinct, unusual, fresh, and very controversial. And you wouldn't have it any other way.