This is the last lot of the pictures from the Bento Party! Have fun!

The lovely Terri introducing herself at the Bento Party!

Food and friendship, as a result of the Bento Party - so typically Malaysian!

The demure SueSue going through the introductions.

My high light of the day! KAWAII cup cakes by
Su Yin!

Photo shopped this picture to improve it's color! Yikes! Actually looks worse!

I think this is Star gal's friend Mona with her Bento entry for the competition.

Su Yin displaying the cup cakes!

SueSue from
Cooking Momster brought her friend Ms. Tan for the Bento Party.

Amy listening intently to the Bento "How to's"!

Intent crowd!

I think this is Lindsay!

"Moi" describing the food for the day and it's portions for the Bento competition.

May, introducing herself at the Bento Party!

A group photo with Ms. Tan, SueSue, Pat of Bento Pet and Jessie of
Hijack Queen.

"What did we get ourselves into?" *Gasp!*

The lovely Jasmine, during introduction time.

Also Star Gal's friend, Kai San with her Bento entry!

Aiyah! Where is my camera?

A light moment with the effervescent Wendy a.k.a.
Sake any body?

Busy, busy packing for the Bento competition.

This is also Emily - Wong!

And our
Emily Chiam reminding us to RECYCLE!!!! Not only use Bento boxes and wash them, also bring your own bags and say NO to plastic bags!!!
I hope you enjoyed all the 4 parts of the Bento Party updates! Cheers!!