The coincidence here is, my first award was also a "Creative Blogger Award" given to me by Sue Sue many, many moons ago! LOL!
Emily is a crafter and has done some amazing and awesome stitching. Me? I used to sew (many moons ago) patchwork bags, blankets etc, went into scrap booking, costume jewelery creativity, etc, etc, the list goes on.
Emily and I began our blogger friendship on a very comical set. I made a post on my 'trauma' cooking 'tongue' and she dropped some comments and our blogger friendship bloomed from then on. LOL!!
Emily is a member of the Malaysian Bookcrosses club, which I think is awesome! I've however been unfortunate to have too little time in my hands to enjoy what I love most - read! Reading is my passion but once I get my hands on any book, I drop and forget everything else. My utter weakness!
I try to steer clear of story books and conversations about good reads. Otherwise, I will be 'hiding' in the toilet with a "no-end diarrhea condition" trying to finish the last few chapters of the book at 3a.m. in the morning - that's my perpetual excuse if hubs wakes up and asks if I'm okay (*guilty*).
Anyway, all that said and done, I'd also like to extend this award back again to EMILY! I know you extended this to me but I love 'stalking' your blog if you don't know already! (Unfortunately, I'm a silent stalker!) I think you deserve this award all over again!!!
Then there are my new 'stalking victims':
NOBU who tirelessly keep 'educating' readers about the wonderful world of Japanese Oishii food! I have a passionate love for Japanese food and I find his site very educational! Nobu is diligent in updating his blog and most times when I log into his blog, it's updated!!
I want to thank allthingspurple for consistently dropping comments and thoughts sometime or other in this blog. I think we bloggers thrive on this. It keeps me going and enthusiastic that some people find this blog interesting enough to keep coming back. My heart gives a little jump of excitement when I see random comments becoming 'regular' and then progressing to becoming 'blogger pals' per se. She's got picky kids and she 'desperately' uses different ways and methods to present the same type of food in creative ways, by way of 'kawai' bento boxes and accessories. So much effort! (*salutes you*).
Then there is Terri @ hunger hunger who doesn't care a hoot about 'awards' but I love to silently stalk her creative cooking site because of her honest to heart type of ranting and amazing recipes. I learnt to cook my first "best soy sauce chicken" from her blog!
Finally, I've been stalking all Bento blogs possible. I like visiting Lyvvie @ obentobaby because her blog is updated regularly and I love the creative 'edible' jokes that she writes out for her kid/s. The edible joke is an awesome idea and I've been scouring the bakery supplies for 'sugar paper'. I've found my edible ink pens and soon, I hope to be sending some 'edible messages' with my Bento too!

Ok, here's the rules :
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees