Saturday saw #3 and I at 19 Culinary Studio in Damansara Heights attending a bread "baking" session!
I read a short article in the newspaper on Friday about baking bread. I mentioned it to #3 and she got all excited and insisted that we should attend.
We did and we learnt to "bake" frozen breads. It was delicious and really crusty. I believe they take the frozen breads from Hiestand. They look exactly the same from the ones I order from a nearby bakery.
Delicious Croissont
Thawed pastries from the freezer
Baked and ready after 18 minutes

#3 and I enjoyed an array of freshly baked breads and pastries
On Sunday, #2 and #3 spent the morning with me at a fund raiser at Church. I sold American Breakfast again! Raised a tidy sum for the ministry!
#2 helped at the Smoothie store. One of her friends brought his mothers Vitamix. Worked like magic! #2 raved about it's "powerful motor" and amazing speed!
#3 was busy playing 'assistant' to a professional make up artist doing tattoos using an airbrush spray gun.
We all had lots of 'bonding time' and fun as we spent our money and time for a good cause!