Monday, October 1, 2007

Bento #36

Wow! I can't believe I'm into my 3rd dozen Bento already. Since the two girls are still into salad and fruits, I shall be packing one layer with it for a while to come.

This morning's dressing was very simple, light and nice. I had a whole bowl of mixed salad with tomatoes and grapes. Drizzled some cold pressed Olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a generous amount of salt and freshly ground pepper and mix well.

Since PMR commences today, #2 asked for sandwiches to pack. I just made a cheese and Spam triple decker of white and wholemeal bread. This can be quite filling. Added a box of honey stars for #1 to snack on.


Anonymous said...

Wanted to ask you, how do you keep the different food from moving all over the container? Are they upright all the time? I mean, the container won't be put on its side?

My daughter's current lunch bag is a rectangular satchel (kinda like a briefcase), and most of the time, the food container has to be placed on its side. So I tend to pack her food that is dry. Even if I arrange the food nicely, they will all slide to the side.

Bento Pet said...

kat: The first rule is you need to pack the food tight in its container.

About the container being on its side - I think you need to change the satchel because any way you pack anything in the bento or tupperware, its sure to be placed on its side.

I have bags made specially for packing bento and it's placed flat on it's bottom. In some bags, I can even put a bottle of water and another small box of snacks and throw in wet towels for cleaning hands. In such case the food stays where it's placed.

Anonymous said...

i enjoyed your blog...lovely recipes..i may try one of this day. thanks for sharing :)

Bento Pet said...

esther: thanks for coming by again. My pleasure always!!

Bento Pet said...

kat: my friend Deanna tells me there is a Daiso in Abu Dhabi. Check it out for Bento Bags. I'm sure you can find something, maybe even egg molds!!


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