Monday, May 12, 2008

Have you posted about me?

#3 came to me very excitedly on Saturday night (eve of Mother's day) and declared that she 'made' something for me. I followed her to the 'scene' and saw this.
I made you an Ocean mum! Do you like it? It's for Mother's day she exclaimed excitedly! I smiled at her and she gave me a bear hug. She used the "ello" creation system that my girlfriend gave #3 on her last trip back from Canada.

She's so sweet, always ready to give a hug and a kiss!!

I was really tired from all the cooking for Sunday's coffee morning. This was the end product.

The cheese sauce....

Mixed spices....

The Macaroni....
All sold out by mid day!!

The same Sunday morning (Mother's day), #2 also had a fund raising event for her confirmation camp. Her class had a flower sale! She managed to sell 19 bouquets and got daddy to pay for one. The obvious recipient was very happy to accept this lovely bouquet!!

#2 was very busy at Church on the Saturday and Sunday masses using her "PR" skills to sell flowers for the fund raising. Personally, I'm very proud of her for having sold the 19 bouquets of flowers raising slightly over 1K.

The reason I'm posting this is because #3 kept asking me if I have already posted about her! See, even she is reading my blog!!


Anonymous said...

How I envy you. Look up to your culinary skill and envy your relationship with your daughters. Hope to be like you too. You are such an inspiration, as a cook and as a mum to me. :D

Bento Pet said...

elaine: I think we all work very hard to develop well grounded relationships with our kids. It's just that sometimes we loose track and things go a little haywire. LOL!!


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Your spelling is excellent. You also have a great memory and eye for detail.
You Are Cilantro
The bad news is that there are some people who can't stand you.
The good news is that most people love you more than anything else in the world.
You are distinct, unusual, fresh, and very controversial. And you wouldn't have it any other way.