Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ratatouille re-visited

When I wrote about bento 193, I also mentioned about cooking Ratatouille. I had used the recipe from the "Cooks Bible" which I bought for #2. Some people asked for the recipe but I couldn't publicly provide the recipe because of copyright issues.

I felt bad because I didn't want my readers to think that I was 'selfish' and didn't want to share the recipe. It wasn't 'my' recipe in the first place. Anyway to cut the long story short, I chanced on "Tartelette's Blog". She had just posted about her mum's Ratatouille recipe.

I just had to try it because it looked even better because of the Provencel herbs. If you don't already know, I love, love herbs! It's almost the same in terms of the ingredients except that I added some celery.

The herbs in her mum's recipe engulfed the whole kitchen and for a moment I thought I was in culinary nirvana. Honestly, the first time I cooked Ratatouille here, it was very good but when I tried Tartllette's recipe, it was more than AWESOME!

Below: My pot of fresh Ratatouille simmering to reduce the liquids.

Delicious! Delicious! Delicious!


javapot said...

hi, wouldn't have thought u were selfish at all. i also saw and booked marked tartlette's recipe. glad to hear and know her mum's recipe taste better!! :)

Bento Pet said...

javapot: No lah! It's just that this dish is so nice, everyone ought to try it!


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