Thursday, January 14, 2010

Bento 246

It's getting more and more difficult to pack #2 Bento. There are so many restrictions because of allergy reasons, a need to nurture and preserve supple vocal chords.

No cheese, no milk, no chocolates, no spicy or fiery flavors, no chicken, no rice (except when it's sushi time), no fried stuff, no food with sauces (sometimes it spills), no, no, no!

It's a challenge twice over to pack bento and sometimes I ignore signals of warning when I pack a certain type of "NO" food. Problem is, #2 would also ignore it and it'll be left in the box! Aggghhhhh!!!

Today's bento is as plain as it can get. Plain spaghetti Aglio Olio with some furikake and a box of peas in between apple slices and some plump baby tomatoes.


Anonymous said...

Hope your daughter #2 is feeling better now. Love all your bentos and enjoy resading your food blog. Keep up the good work.

Bento Pet said...

Anon: Yes, she's better, thank you. Sprighty rebuttles are back and so is the melodious piano practices. LOL!

Thank you for coming to visit and dropping me notes of encouragement.


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