Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bento 257

This morning was easy because #3 took a box of cookies to school and I'm sending her a pizza for lunch afterwards. The two elder girls class begin at 10.00a.m and I had time to go back to sleep and wake up again to pack a bento for #2 and breakfast for #1.

I made a meat loaf last night so it's meat loaf sandwich this morning. The capsicum and onions gave the meat loaf a sweet and flavorful taste. Yum Yum.

There is also a pear and some lady fingers in the bottom box.

Yesterday, mum and I baked orange cookies using a cookie press.


javapot said...

orange cookies sound nice. u and mum are doing well with all the cny bakes!

Unknown said...

These meat loaf sandwiches and cookies sound delicious! Would love them! You look so busy having three kids :)

Bento Pet said...

javapot: #3 helped to pump these cookies. Handy to have 'free labour'. LOL!

Bento Pet said...

babykins: Busy, busy everyday!


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