Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bento 283

I'm still packing bento.

#3 wasn't well the last couple of days and I've neglected taking pictures of the packed bento. Anyways, here's one of those which I did take a photo of.

This is banana topped with cinnamon sugar. This item has been 'missing' for a while because #2 commented that it would get wet and liquids from this spill out. I packed this again and so far another similar comment hasn't arise yet. *grins* There are two slices of banana cake I bought at a fund raiser in Church.

Her favorite 'ladies fingers' (Okra) and some spaghetti mixed with a blend of sun dried tomatoes, basil, cream, chopped onions, roasted peppers, salt and pepper. Yummilicious!

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