Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Grocery shopping

If you haven't heard from me or I've yet to respond to your e-mail, know that I'm rushing around a lot lately. There are lots of runs and errands to catch up on.

Today was most fruitful though. Thanks Alice and Celia for all the effort to enable me to stock up my Japanese pantry.

Sometimes thing aren't the way it should be or look the way they should look or even seem the way they are expected to BUT so what! Life is too short to snort or get all hot to rot! Hahaha! I'm happy all the same.

My giant bag of Tuna Katsuobushi.

Frozen Unagi, Ebiko, Natto, Tako and a box of Chuka Iidako.

All the different sauces and condiments, teas and Japanese noodles, seaweed and rice (not in picture) necessary for cooking more Japanese dishes.


Jess said...

hi, where did you get all these?

Bento Pet said...

Jess: A friend brought me to a wholesaler which turned out to be more expensive than if I bought from stores nearby. Only advantage was I could get them in larger quantities. *grin*


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