Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bento 311

This was #3's lunch yesterday. Homemade burger patties.

Fresh meat patties frying on a pan.

I covered the pan with a lid and allow it to cooked over minimum fire.

Mini burger buns laden with sliced cheese.

Yummy, delicious and juicy burgers!

Three burgers and some bananas topped with cinnamon sugar.


Unknown said...

stumbled upon this blog...and wow! you make such pretty food, and it kind of cracked me up that i was thinking "gee, i wish all cultures made to-go lunch this cute" yet the most recent thing you posted was cheeseburgers! still, my mom never made me miniburgers for a school lunch (health conscious..and busy!) great, great stuff, glad i found this!

Bento Pet said...

Tori: Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment. I wish I had the time to make "cute" food but I'm one busy mama.

My youngest girl is a horror when it comes to food, if I don't make those burgers, she'd be having McDonalds! LOL!

javapot said...

looks good, will do this for sonny's school lunch tmrw...running out of ideas on what to pack, for him.


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