Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bento 312

I"m back blogging! This is my first bento post after months of hiatus! Actually, I've not stoped packing for my kids but just didn't have time to blog.
Today, I packed three boxes. Two for #3 comprised of rice topped with chicken floss, tonkatsu and sliced mango.
Every Wednesday I pack two boxes for #3, one for her and one for her friend to share.
#2 is interning in a PR company and yours truly is still packing lunch for her! I'm happy to do so! Her box has "Nasi Ulam", tonkatsu, beef serunding and some watermelon.
The three boxes which I used was sponsored by Rubbermaid from the Naturel workshop.


Nick said...

Love your colorful bentos. My wife is Japanese, but doesn't like cooking so she rarely makes bentos. I guess I should make them for myself. I remember eating some bentos in Japan when I worked there for a number of years. Best way to eat launch ever.

Tarcoulis said...

I'm glad you're back! And I think you can count on packing lunches for your kids as long as they're living with you no matter how old. My mother used to pack lunches for me to take to work and one day I forgot to take it. Well a couple of hours later the receptionist came into my office and announced "Dr O. your Mom dropped off your lunch!"


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