Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bento #39

#1 said that there was no recess yesterday so they didn't have time to eat. Same thing today because the exam finishes at noon.

She asked for finger food so that she could just pick on the food whenever possible.

#2 finishes another paper this morning at 9.45a.m. so no need for Bento as we will be going for breakfast together.


Anonymous said...

Simple yet nice. Do you buy your soy sauce in those little shapes or do you fill them up each time?

I am sure your girls will do extremely well.

Bento Pet said...

judy: the soy sauce containers come in different shapes. I have to use a pipette to fill the containers. Quite a hassle to wash really!

I always tell them if they have tried their best, it's enough. Don't need to suffer trying too hard. Just need to be well rounded in all areas, not only academically. All the A's don't necessarily make them better people.


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