Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I had some problems trying to upload this post this morning! Must have been something wrong with the system because an error message kept appearing.

Anyway, this morning's Bento was simple and going to be delicious. My kids and I love the dressing for the vegetables. Basically put together with broccoli, cauliflowers, baby corn, carrots and crabsticks. Topped with Kewpie mayo and Parmesan cheese.

On the right Bento box is a hard boiled egg and some chicken nuggets. Filled up the space with some chocolate 'coins'.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha, nice egg. You even took the trouble to make the egg look like a smiley face. :)

Bento Pet said...

judy: Have to learn to be creative because I don't have any egg molds. #1 used to laugh at her eggs when I began packing bento for her because her eggs would come in all sorts or shapes and contortions.

It's exam period and she's not had much time to eat. Apparently some papers are 3 hours straight. *confused*


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