The quartet, which consists of trombonist Nils Wogram and drummer Jochen Rückert (both from Germany), and saxophonist Hayden Chisholm and bass player (double bass) Matt Penman (both from New Zealand).
I was shocked at the size of the Roses in the middle of the bouquet!!
Call me ignorant, but I've never seen any Rose in such a size!!
Call me ignorant, but I've never seen any Rose in such a size!!
More lovely flowers from the Wedding on Saturday @ Church.

Friday night, found ourselves in Genting Highlands Resorts Hotel. Before watching the much anticipated Rose, Rose, I love you, the kids insisted that I go with them to First World Hotel to watch the fiasco there. It was a journey of corridors and escalators before we reached First World Hotel.
It was noisy, polluted and there were bright and bling-bling lights everywhere.
Look at the pictures!
Wheee! They brought the Oscars to Genting!!!
Slot Machines are no longer only for Adults. These are "Dress Barbie" slot machines
where you slot in your payment for a game to dress Barbie. *Shakes head*
I'm glad I didn't bring #3 with me because I'd have to deal with a very unhappy kid.
For the boys, they had slot machines for the 'dinosaur game'.
More bling-bling lights!!
Food, herbs and more herbs!!!
Unfortunately, some of these containers had lots and lots of weasels in between the food stuff.
It was quite gross.
My favorite!! Pity couldn't smell anything other than second hand smoke, McD's and KFC!
Quick breakie with the kids this morning.
For those of you who were asking for pictures from the musical Rose, Rose, I love you. We weren't allowed to take pictures in the concert hall. My two daughters managed to take some pictures with Tin Tan and Soon Yoon but it's in their phone. Sorry!!
Look at the pictures!
Flying Swans gliding around looking for people to ride them.
where you slot in your payment for a game to dress Barbie. *Shakes head*
I'm glad I didn't bring #3 with me because I'd have to deal with a very unhappy kid.
For the boys, they had slot machines for the 'dinosaur game'.
Unfortunately, some of these containers had lots and lots of weasels in between the food stuff.
It was quite gross.
For those of you who were asking for pictures from the musical Rose, Rose, I love you. We weren't allowed to take pictures in the concert hall. My two daughters managed to take some pictures with Tin Tan and Soon Yoon but it's in their phone. Sorry!!
i love jazz...i agree with u on Genting Highlands. The only christmas we ever spent away fm home was in GH one yr when kids were very young, n it made us realise Christmas is best spent at home. i hate GH. it is a concrete monstrous developmt (such a pity, up in d hills n mist), n like u said, it was/is so stuffy n polluted (i couldn't breath cos air so stale indoors) n damp n there were long connecting corridors n even d food sucks (turkey still ice-cold inside n uncooked, skin white like boiled chicken...).Seemed like hell.
Lots of herbs, those look like what the mm store have, they put chocolates instead.
terri: Yeap! That's certainly sounds like Genting Highlands!
ilovepearly: Oooo...m&m's...my favorite!
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