Monday, March 17, 2008


It's been ages since I posted anything on Bento. I acquired this new Thermos Bento from a sale at Parkson. It was on a 20% discount. I thought it was a pretty good deal and very compact. It maintains the heat in the rice thermos for a few hours.

This was #2's lunch today.

From left: Fried Kai Lan, Chicken Katsu with Bulldog sauce and white rice. Put them all in the bag provided and slotted a pair of chopsticks on the top of the bag.

This is how it looks with it's containers stacked in the bag. On the left is a thermal flask to keep hot the food you fill in - it could be soup, rice or stew. There are two other side dish containers that are stacked one on top of the other. It come with a pretty bag and now I'm inclined to cook hot food for #2 to bring to school.

This is how the Thermos bento looks zipped up! Cool eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely lunch bag. Your girls are very good to make time to eat their lunch properly.

When I was in school many moons ago, I sometimes asked to take rice to school like my friends did but everything was put in the tupperware lunch box and I had the rice cold. :)

Children these days are very blessed.


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