Wednesday, September 23, 2009

10 minute Banana Bread

I love the holidays! I have time to experiment with new recipes, do some spring cleaning, browsing my recipe books and surfing the net for new 'adventures'.

Banana is our favorite fruit. In this house, we eat bananas if we get constipation, eat them for energy, eat bananas for dessert, make smoothies out of bananas, etc.

I came across this banana bread recipe today and was captivated by the simplicity of it's method. I didn't even have to bring my Kenwood out!

As described in the recipe, it is really simple and quick. I made a double recipe here.

Beautiful banana bread!

Look at it's texture. It was delicious!!

A great recipe to try if you're in a hurry!


I tried the better banana bread.
I improvised on the ingredients because I only had one cup of Yogurt, so I balanced the recipe with another cup of cream. It tasted softer and more moist. Personally, I prefer the no fuss and more 'textured' 10 minute banana bread.


Emily said...

Hi Bento Pet,

So which version is your banana cake? 10 mins version or the better banana version?

Bento Pet said...

Emily: The 10 minute version. Baked it this afternoon and it's almost all gone!

Kids feedback: "It's so... good mum"!

Emily said...

Aiyaks!! slaps forehead! did not S.E.E. '10 minute Banana Bread' header!!

Both recipes look so tempting! and the one you made is fabulous... as usual!


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