Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bento 256

#3 has been giving me hard time by refusing to sleep early and thus have a harder time waking up in the morning for school! When I have to struggle with her in the morning then I will also struggle with packing the bentos.

Most mornings I pack three bentos. Two for #3 and one for #2. I also prepare breakfast for #1, so everything has to be complete in half an hour at the max. Then we rush off to school.

This morning was a frenzy because all three kids were running late and I had to choose today to have steam fish and Korean roll-ups!

If you notice, I've changed the bento box because #2 complained that the other one leaks so be ready for more change.

The color is inclined to too much orange today - blame it on poor planning! *sigh*

Mum and I baked Chocolate chip cookies yesterday.


Jas Min said...

Wow! You're really commited to your kitchen to be able to produce so many bottles of cookies! I usually can only churn out about 2ish bottles each time I bake. =(

Bento Pet said...

Jas Min: Hahaha! My mum does everything in a very large scale so I've inherited that trait.

A lot of "Yan Cheng" to fulfill for CNY.

JM Lee said...

It mustve taken you ages to finish making all that. You're putting me in the mood to get cracking on mine too! =)

Bento Pet said...

Jas Min: If you don't know yet, I'm really a very lazy baker. I go for all the easy and fast recipes. Must taste good too though.

Between mum and I, we can easily churn out half dozen bottles each time we bake.


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