Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bento 288

I'm still packing bentos, actually more than I can handle now. This year, #3 has extra classes daily and school ends after 3.00p.m. I pack one box for #2 and two boxes for #3.

Recently, I registered #3 to a day care to help her cope with her homework and tutor her with her weak subjects and being her, she didn't want the day care lunch package. So mummy has to send the third food box over.

I'm excited and look forward to packing more bentos, only problem is #3 is picky and fussy about her food and it's a routine limited to a dozen or less variety. This is a challenge and I'll have to see how to deal with it.

Today's bento for #2 is a mix of broccoli and cauliflower for veggies and two nests of spaghetti coated and topped with a delicious blue cheese and mushroom sauce.

This box has a mix of peas and tuna mayo and half an orange.

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