Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Missing layer from Tag

Oops! Faux pas! When I read ling's subtle message, I realised that I am supposed to tag another five people from ling239's tag.

Personally I'm okay with tags, I only don't like chain letters.

It can be fun to do. However, if you are tagged by me and choose not to do it, I understand. Please don't feel obligated or feel bad. It is, after all, in the name of fun! Have fun! Thanks!!

Layer Twelve: Tag Five People
1. Sue from: Cooking Momster Corner
2. Terri from: A Daily Obsession
3. Judy from: Grandmother stories
4. nightwing from: Carpe Diem
5. Elaine from: wokkingmum

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) I will try to do this when I get my brains going.

You just reminded me I owe so many tags that I forget who and what about! Bad eh?


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