Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Do you know what you're missing out on?

Hey fellow Malaysian Bento Bloggers! Do you know what you are missing out on?

I do! I do! I do!

My friend here is giving away this awesome ensemble and you are not responding! I think that if she were to open this to everybody and not restricted to Malaysia only, there'd be a flood of responses.

You really don't know what you are missing! This is a great piece of work because it's leak proof (no soups though), it's a pretty pastel color and comes with a matching bag which has enough space for a set of cutlery and oshibori.

It's a great item if you are using it for a teenager or yourself. So don't miss out of this golden opportunity - Carpe Diem!


Emily said...

wahh! thanks for the shout out!

for that, you stand to win something and I ain't telling you what... for the time being!

Bento Pet said...

Thanks Emily, hope you get lots of traffic!


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