Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Melody - our latest addition

Everybody, please meet Melody our latest addition. Mum's a Lab and dad's a Schnauzer. Currently the belle of the house!


Terri @ A Daily Obsession said...

She's adorable! Wey, my youngest, said she looks like a terrier. I'm tickled tt she has inherited tt Posh Spice 'pissed-all-d-time look' tt all schnaus have!

Tracy Tan said...

so cute :)

Bento Pet said...

terri & tracy: Daughter number 3 can spend hours playing with her. Buddy is 10 years old and Odie, 7 years old.

When we brought Melody back, we were worried where to put her and whether the two 'adults' would be jealous.

We didn't have to worry at all. Buddy fell in love with her immediately and became her 'protector'. Odie gradually warmed up to her and now all three of them get along like a house on fire!


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